Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Banana and Apple Smoothie.
By Nishita Ganatra.

1 banana                                                                           
1 red apple
2-3 cups milk
3 teaspoon sugar
3 big spoons of plain youghurt

A Bowl

1. Peel and chop the banana.
2. Cut the apple into small pieces.
3. Put the apple & banana into a bowl.
4. Put the youghurt in the bowl.
5. Pour milk in the bowl.
6. Add sugar into the bowl.
7. Blend until smooth.
8. Put it in thr frige to make it cold.
9. SAfter it is cold, pour it into glasses.
10. Enjoy!!!

Friday, 17 May 2013

Ara Pakeke Stepping Up - Making Eco Signs

The Ara Pakeke Stepping Up group have begun the measuring up and cutting of the signs. Thanks Phil for all your help!

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Ara Pakeke Stepping Up

Last term the Ara Tuakana Stepping Up group created a display on New Zealand's native birds. It is in the library if you want to have a look!

This term, Ara Pakeke is having its turn in the Stepping Up group. Our goal is to inform people about areas of the school through signs. We will make signs that give information about plants and explain why some areas are out of bounds: e.g. around young trees because their roots and small branches are vulnerable to foot traffic.

We will be practising our design skills, technical skills and positive language to use on the signs.

Monday, 13 May 2013


Term 2, Week 2

Today we learned about energy. We need to turn off the lights, TV and data projector when we leave our classrooms. We also need to turn the computers off at the end of the day. As Eco Kids, we will help our class to do this every day.

If New Zealand uses lots of energy, instead of water making power (hydro power), we use coal burning stations. Coal ruins the ozone layer and makes the air polluted.

We should always turn off devices that we don't use.